
Aluminum Collar Damper
These dampers are Black painted, standard extruded aluminum opposed blade collar damper. Aluminum collar damper used in AC duct to control or balancing the air as per requirements. Easy to operate. Aluminum Collar damper blades are installed opposite to each other which helps in adjusting air volumes to suit the requirements of the space. Collar dampers are highly appreciated by the clients due its reliability and durability.
The GI Duct Volume control Dampers has aluminum blades for applications as manual balancing dampers. A wide range of electric or pneumatic actuators are available for these models. These dampers are typically used in low to medium pressure and velocity systems. These dampers are typically used in low to medium pressure and velocity systems
The GI Duct Volume control Dampers has 3-V style blades for applications as manual balancing dampers. A wide range of electric or pneumatic actuators are available for these models. These dampers are typically used in low to medium pressure and velocity systems. The fabricated blades are reinforced with longitudinal designed vee’s. Also available with blade and jamb seals for low leakage applications
The GI Duct Volume control Dampers are designed for quiet, efficient and reliable air volume control in ventilation systems. We provides top quality round dampers to control air flow in heating, ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems round ducts. These dampers are typically used in low to medium pressure and velocity systems. The blades are single skin cut to round shape, reinforced at center to accommodate spindle assembly and provide toughness.
Fire Dampers are required by all building codes to maintain the required fire resistance ratings of walls, partitions, and floor when they are penetrated by air ducts or other ventilation openings. This is a duct mounted fusible link multi-blade fire damper with 3V style blades and spring closure and has also been qualified for dynamic closure in emergency fire situations. It is rated for airflow in either direction.

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